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μασελακι υπνου για το τριξιμο των δοντιων, ροχαλητο και υπνικη απνοια
Quiet sleep
We need it more than ever.
Your snoring loudness bothers the people arount you?
In most cases
also due to the relaxation of muscle tone.
Sleep disorders?
We can help you
to find the real cause.
Poor sleep?
may be due to causes other than that you believe.
Oral Split
Oral appliance for snoring and sleep apnea

I have a problem with snoring and sleep apnea and I do not know what to do - 07/10/2013

Home » Articles » I have a problem with snoring and sleep apnea and I do not know what to do
This is a question that concerns all those who have the related problems and they are looking to find a solution for them.
Unfortunately, however, the treatment is not found in commercial preparations that are very often advertised lately, either on television or in various other promotional literature, and refer to products placed either in the mouth or in the nose, without having undergone any medical examination and recommendation special.
In such cases, the sufferer takes on himself the responsibility of remedying his problem, with unknown effects and side effects that will not be late.
Particularly in orthodontic splints the orthodontic and stomagnetic side effects are known, so dental consistency and follow-up are required.
The fact is, however, that despite the negatives of these commercial - non - medical ads, there is also a positive one. Advertising makes known the problem and the new ways of dealing with it to the general public, resulting in a large number of people being sensitized and looking to find answers to their queries and the right medical solution.
Integrated medical diagnosis, with special examinations such as sleep study, X-rays, etc., in order to set up the patient's appropriate treatment, is a prerequisite for the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea.
Today, the modern way of treatment includes the collaboration of physicians who know Sleep Medicine and are specialists of dentist, ENT and pulmonologist.
The dentist helps the sufferers, guiding them with the right procedure, to choose the best treatment for them (surgery - cpap - intrathecal narthex), depending on the severity and all the other peculiarities of each occurrence.

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