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The charge in Europe - 29/08/2013

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The obstructive sleep apnea affects death rates indirectly, as it is a risk factor for hypertension, heart disease and strokes, also cause excessive sleepiness, which can cause accidents.
The average annual medical costs prior to diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea is estimated at EUR 2,541 compared to EUR 1,293 for normal individuals. The annual cost of treating a person with obstructive OSH is moderate (about 400 euros), including ongoing medical monitoring, maintenance and the nCPAP device itself.
The cost of road accidents due to excessive daytime sleepiness caused by obstructive OSH is likely to be significant but has not yet been sufficiently assessed. With increasing awareness of the risks associated with obstructive OSH, several European states are no longer banned from untreated patients.
The number of patients diagnosed to suffer from obstructive OSH will increase in the years to come. The increasing prevalence of obesity in Europe will further contribute to the rise in the number of patients with obstructive sleep apnea who need diagnosis and treatment.
In many European countries, the waiting list (several months) for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with obstructive sleep apnea is a serious concern. With the increasing incidence of obesity, this situation is likely to worsen.

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